Monday, October 23, 2006

SHaTteREd n BroKEn

life is a real let down isnt it.... dont u have days when u feel as if nothin can go right.. everythin u do is marred by mistakes and failure... u feel so down that u feel like lying down and pulling the ground over on urself.... thts how i m feeling right now. i guess the worst part is tht u just have to take it all on urself... me personally i cant let ne one else share the burden... its not "macho"... even when i feel tht i m slowing falling into an endless pit i can never reach out for a helping hand... but i must thank everyone who endlessly try to reach out to me.. i have to thank them for their effort. but in the end we all cant help feel tht tomoro is gonna be the same as well.... only time will tell and fate can decide....

EID Mubarik

hey all eid mubarik to u ppl. hope u enjoy the hols and may allah bless ur souls.